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Churchyard Rules


The workers for Colchester Borough Council who maintain the churchyard have mentioned to us that there are problems with certain items placed with memorials. They are particularly concerned about the glass, plastic and pottery vases and other items which can be dangerous, especially if they break whilst the grass is being strimmed; harm could be caused to visitors, pets and wild animals. There is also currently a problem with dog mess - the effect of strimming doesn't bear thinking about!


May we please remind people that the following items are not allowed to be placed in the churchyard:

  • artificial flowers; pot plants; bedding plants; rose bushes; conifers ; bushes; trees

  • photographs; paper or card; garden gnomes; statues; fencing or edging; rocks

  • bark or stone chippings; tubs; solar lights; plastic items; glass items; wind chimes


It is important to us that everyone has freedom to express their love for those buried in the churchyard as they feel is most appropriate, and we do not intend to raise issues. We do ask, however, that all users of the churchyard respect the rules and one another.


The Borough Council have advised us that they will be reviewing and testing the safety of headstones, and will report any which are in need of refurbishment.

Parish of St. Michael Myland

Part of the Church of England in the Colchester Episcopal Area of the Diocese of Chelmsford.


St. Michael's Church, Mile End Road, Colchester CO4 5DY

Office: 01206 855040

Registered Charity No. 1130020,


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