Management of Myland Parish Halls
Myland Parish Halls are owned by the Church of England Parish of Myland, and management is therefore vested in the Parochial Church Council (PCC). Elections to the PCC take place at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, held in April each year.
The PCC have expressed a wish that the Halls are managed as a Community resource, with Users having a real involvement and voice in decisions relating to ongoing management and development of the Halls.
Ongoing management is therefore in the hands of the Myland Parish Halls Management Team, comprised of representatives from Organisations which use the Halls on a regular basis. The Team meets several times a year to discuss the operation and condition of the Halls, review finances and make recommendations for future development.
The Halls receive no external funding from the Church of England or any other outside agency, although as a Charity the Church are able to apply for grants from any funding body. Finances of the Halls currently break even, despite the low rents charged to organisations based within the community. In addition, User Groups have contributed significantly towards costs of future development, by direct donation, fundraising events and the generous time of willing volunteers.
We require all Users to sign a Hiring Agreement and to operate within our Conditions of Hire and General Rules and Instructions, which also require each User to have their own policies for the effective operation of their organisation.
All relevant paperwork will be provided in response to an enquiry to make a booking.