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1949 - 1962


The death of the Rev W. J. Wallace was followed by a period of some months during which the parish was without a Rector, but eventually the living was accepted by the Rev. P. T. W. Tranter, Vicar of the Church of St. James the Apostle, Islington, who was inducted by the Bishop of Colchester on May 5th, 1949. The coming of the Rev. and Mrs. Tranter, with their young son Simon, marked the beginning of a new period of spiritual growth in Myland, which was reflected in the practical efforts of its people to improve conditions in the Church and the parish generally.


The Rectory was once more in need of extensive repair and redecoration, and when this was completed, the garden became the setting for the annual Summer Fete which raised approximately £200 each year and helped to put the Church finances on a firmer basis.


A Social Committee was formed and by a series of plays and concerts in the Parish Hall by the Drama Club, enough money was raised to renew the electric light fittings in the Church; a plaque in the Chancel reads:


“The lighting in the Chancel was given by the Social Committee as their contribution to the Centenary of the Church”.


This was in 1955, and soon after, sufficient funds became available to renew the lighting in the Nave also.


At the same time, much of the Church woodwork was found to have been damaged by woodworm, and a Men’s Working Party was formed, their first task being to provide new Communion rails with balusters, to match the two oak stands made by Mr. F, C. Nunn to support the pair of large flower vases given by Mrs. Tranter for use in the Sanctuary. These Communion Rails, designed by Mr. K. R. Mabbitt, were dedicated to the memory of the Rev. W. J. Wallace by the Bishop of Colchester at a service held on the 18th May, 1953. The same workers under the leadership of Mr. Nunn, also constructed a new altar and curtain beam, given in memory of Miss Edith Mann by her relatives, and the Bishop’s Chair bearing the arms of the diocese, carved and in colour, donated in memory of the late Archdeacon Buckley of Ipswich by his widow. Mrs. Rede Buckley. All the carving, including the two shields of St. Michael which surmount the Altar, was skilfully executed by Mr. Nunn and Mr. W. Bowers.


The Mothers’ Union raised money to provide new frontals for the Altar and curtains for the Sanctuary: these, beautifully embroidered, were the work of Mrs. Dyer.


New robes were also needed for the Choir, and complete sets for all the members were made by Miss N. Crundwell. A 17th century alms-dish embossed with five angels was given to the Church in memory of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Savage. Mr. Savage was Rector’s Warden from April 1926 until 1944, when he was succeeded by Mr. E. A. Wicks, who served until 1950. when Mr. F. J. A. Richardson was appointed.


The Rev. Paul Tranter continued his ministry in the parish until the beginning of 1961, when he became Vicar of Bere Regis, in Dorset; this living, like Myland, is in the gift of Balliol College, Oxford. An interregnum of fifteen months ensued, partly due to the fact that the Rectory was again in a bad state of repair. During this time Mr. Richardson, the Rector’s Warden, acted as Sequestrator and looked after the affairs of the parish, while the Rev. E. J. Strover, the retired Rector of Lawford Church, did duty as Priest-in-Charge. Mr. Strover was a retired Army Officer and former R.A.F. Chaplain, whose service included a period with the Royal Flying Corps during the 1914-1918 war; despite his age he brought to his work an inspiring enthusiasm and a keen interest in the welfare of the younger generation.

Parish of St. Michael Myland

Part of the Church of England in the Colchester Episcopal Area of the Diocese of Chelmsford.


St. Michael's Church, Mile End Road, Colchester CO4 5DY

Office: 01206 855040

Registered Charity No. 1130020,


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